REDCap Team Honored with Linda Lorimer Award for Distinguished Service

Congratulations! On Thursday, November 10th, the REDCap@Yale team was honored at a Yale ceremony, alongside 11 other awardees, with the Linda K Lorimer (LKL) Award. As announced in a communication distributed to the University campus, the award "is conferred by President Salovey to recognize individuals and teams among the Yale staff who have distinguished themselves through a commitment to excellence and innovative thinking. "
Dr. Terri Fried, who submitted the nomination, stated, "This team has remarkable vision, commitment, and drive to provide services, tools, and software that benefits the entire research community. In 2020, they received funding from the Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI) and could offer services aligning with their Mission Statement. They had a clear vision for infrastructure and set about tackling initiatives."
Several staff-led initiatives to improve services were noted in the nomination letter including:
- Institution-wide training programs
- Hands-on curricula for graduate programs
- Comprehensive REDCap portal website
- Professional internships opportunities for students
- Software tools/YES3 External Modules
- Services and security enhancements
- Plenary and poster presentations at conferences
External link:
The REDCap team has been providing services for over 10 years, starting small and learning along the way. Over time, the team grew in diversity, expertise, and capabilities. In this egalitarian group, everyone leads and everyone contributes. We are extremely grateful for the Linda Lorimer award and for the opportunity to provide REDCap services to the Yale campus. Thank you!
We especially want to acknowledge the contributions of a key member of our team who, because she is no longer a Yale staff member, is ineligible to receive the LKL award. Sui Tsang has been with us since the beginning, and indeed, has been central to our development, as you can see from this photo where Sui (and team) are standing next to a trophy from Vanderbilt Consortium in 2013 for setting a record for the 'most new users in a single month'. She helped us grow and made our REDCap service what it is today. Truly, Sui, the Linda Lorimer award is also yours in every meaningful way.