

  • REDCap Training Videos
    • Videos created by Vanderbilt. They are also embedded within REDCap projects- be sure to look for them!
  • University of Colorado Denver 
    • Their general and advanced videos can help guide you through the capabilities of REDCap.   This is a great resource for building your skills.
  • University of Arizona Health Sciences
    • If you still can’t find what you need, check in with our colleagues at University of Arizona. They have a robust video tutorial library.
  • Program on Aging (Clin-Stars Seminar)
    • “Ounce of Prevention: Strategies to Prevent Missing Data in Primary Data Collection” includes real-world scenarios and REDCap-centric strategies to prevent missing data (examples start at 14:35).

Remote Learning Seminars

The training schedule is released 1-2 times a year via email notification to our end-user listserve.  Training is also posted on the (1.) the REDCap Portal website, (2.) the Yale School of Medicine Event Calendar and (3.) Library Training Event Calendar.

Did you miss a training session?

Contact us and we will send you a link to watch the recording. Note: A Yale NetID is required to view.

1.  REDCap: All Purpose Data Tool view SLIDES 01.24.24

Modality Zoom Lecture with Q&A
Target Audience Those unfamiliar or new to using REDCap (i.e. no experience in REDCap)

Get introduced to REDCap – its capabilities, utility, security/compliance features, and how to get access.

2.  Managing Data in REDCap: Reports and Data Import/Export - view SLIDES 02.15.24

Modality Zoom Lecture with Q&A
Target Audience Intermediate to Advanced 
Overview Demonstrates how to create reports in REDCap and options for exporting and importing data.

3.  REDCap 201 -  view SLIDES 03.19.24

Modality Zoom Lecture with Q&A
Target Audience Intermediate
Overview Demonstrates the intermediate design capabilities of REDCap including REDCap optional modules, alerts/notifications, custom dashboards, data quality module, special functions for calculations, and external modules.

4.  Survey Development view SLIDES 04.16.24

Modality Zoom Lecture with Q&A
Target Audience Beginner to Intermediate 

An introduction on setting up surveys in REDCap. This training explores options for survey invitations (e.g. automatic survey invites, survey queue, etc.).   

5.  REDCap 301 -  view SLIDES 05.16.24

Modality Zoom Lecture with Q&A
Target Audience Advanced
Overview Building on REDCap 101 and 201, this session will demonstrate advanced branching logic and calculation, randomization module, project dashboard and examples of advanced use cases.

6.  Yale Study Support Suite (YES3): Exporter - view SLIDES 06.17.24

Modality Zoom Lecture with Q&A
Target Audience Intermediate to Advanced 
Overview This one is really exciting for us!  Our software developers released an add-on for REDCap known as an External Module. Get introduced to the YES3 Exporter, see how it works, and how it improves the functionality of exports. 

7.  REDCap 101 - view SLIDES 09.28.23

Modality Zoom Lecture with Q&A
Target Audience Beginner
Overview Provides an introduction on how to design projects in REDCap.

8. New Features (Version 13) view SLIDES 11.07.23

Modality Zoom Lecture with Q&A
Target Audience All Users
Overview Learn about the latest new features including repeating automated survey invitations, new smart variables [new-instance], embedding inline images in texts and emails, and more.

9.  Multi-Language Management view SLIDES 12.12.23

Modality Zoom Lecture with Q&A
Target Audience Intermediate 
Overview The Multi-Language Management (MLM) feature allows you to setup translations for fields as well as the REDCap interface (e.g. buttons, links). Learn how to incorporate multilingual translations in your forms and surveys.